In the article I read, Chimps Catch Yawns from Cartoon, I learned that when chimps see any chimp yawning in a cartoon, they tend to yawn just like the one shown. The chimps have empathy so what they do is yawn just like the animation. Just like humans catch yawns, chimps do too. Scientists made an animation of chimps yawning and showed it to real chimps and guess what? Even thought the yawns are artificial, the chimps yawned after seeing the animation. Unlike humans though, chimps catch yawns from animated chimps while humans catch yawns from any animated character. Scientists say that animations can help other studies just like it helped with the chimp studies. The chimps yawn back as a response but not as an imitation. A link is provided for the original article below. As for this topic, my opinion is that chimps have empathy and care for the artificial yawning chimp. I also think that they are some what intelligent because they actually take the time to yawn and again, show empathy. My respect has grown for chimps now that I know that they know something in life!
Meme Creator
12 years ago