Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Genetic Disorders: Canavan Disease

Canavan disease was  discovered in  1931 and causes major brain damage. What happens is that the ill gene mutates and that causes the myelin in the brain to start getting damage. Also the white matter in the brain starts getting spongy and that's when the brain damage starts occurring. When a child or toddler has Canavan disease, their motor skills differ from any other being. Besides from that, eating and swallowing becomes very difficult and complicated. Unlike normal humans, these children and toddlers will never be able to enjoy a good meal. At this time, there is no current cure or treatment for this disease. In order for scientists to build a treatment, one would need to understand the molecular aspects, the amount of affected cells and the amount of fluid in the brain and in the cell. Canavan disease is most common in the people of Ashkenazi (eastern and central Europe) and mostly the people of Jewish heritage. 1 in 6400 to 13500 get this disease. In my opinion, that is not so much and I think that is kind of rare. The common mortality of this disease is before the age of four and  early childhood. In other cases which are not that common, people with the disease can live up to adolescence and maybe adulthood. The thing that is really sad about this disease is that the patients of it can never enjoy the life others have. I myself would hate to have Canavan disease because I would die young and not be able to live a healthy and happy life. Everyone with Canavan disease is a hero to me! 

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